Infrastructure Security in a Cloud DevOps World 

Automated infrastructure security can help you build repeatable templates, reduce manual work, and improve the velocity of security operations
Logicworks eBook - Infrastructure Security in a Cloud DevOps World

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What's In the eBook?

In this eBook, learn how to automate the launch and maintenance of consistent, reproducible, secure cloud environments.

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How to automate the build-out of consistent, secure cloud testing environments
How to reduce firefighting and refocus Ops teams on higher-value tasks
Discover AWS tools that secure and audit cloud server workloads automatically

About Logicworks

25 Years of Cloud Expertise

Logicworks has been helping customers achieve IT operational excellence and cloud compliance for over 25 years. Our innovative platform, dedicated certified engineers, and decades of traditional IT experience combine to enable our customers' success across every stage of the cloud journey.

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